February 16th, 2006

No no no no no no no NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NONO.

Excuse me, I’m just off to slam my nuts in a drawer to dull the pain.

Programming Truth and Fiction

February 16th, 2006

*sob* – it’s all so true.


February 15th, 2006

So, I’m a brainless sheep, emotionally manipulated and culturally shamed into believing that there’s something romantically significant about the day an arbitrary catholic saint was martyred.

Alternatively, I’ve been extremely busy at work, and my relationship with my girlfriend was suffering as a result, and the chance to take an evening off to cook a properly fancy meal and spend some actual time together was one not to be missed.

So, frankly I don’t care if you think I’m buying into some consumerist manipulative fraudery; we both had a fantastic time, and the food was extremely good (even if I do say so myself) and we got to spend some actual real time together rather than just collapsing in front of the TV.

Pre-valentines romantic(?) linkdump

February 13th, 2006

Bunny puts it very well.

Romance might not be dead, but it’s definitely on its last legs.

Geeks! There’s no need to be afraid of girls!.

If you’ve never read Flatland: A romance of many dimensions, you should. It’s excellent.

Not got a partner for valentines day? Maybe one of these will help.

And if you’re a girl without a guy? Well, do as the Japanese do and treat yourself.

Heart shaped soap – but maybe not what you’re expecting…

Rinkworks (of Book-a-minute and Movie-a-minute fame) have a handy guide to being romantic for any of you struggling for ideas.

And, finally, if all this soft lighting and candles and champagne is getting to you, there’s always the fantastic Me-ish VD Card Selection.



February 13th, 2006

Mew deserved a much better audience than they got. They were, as ever, fanastic – not content with stringing together an hour and a half of note-perfect renditions of their gorgeous, sweeping, glittering music in an almost unbroken set (in a manner not dissimilar to their latest album, in fact), they were backed with incredible (and often disturbing and downright odd) visuals for the entire set, perfectly synchronised to the music. It was the kind of music you really just wanted to stand there and absorb in an ethereal sort of way.

What a shame, then, that the audience were a complete bunch of tossers, at least 50% of whom appeared to have got lost on the way to a Ministry of Sound clubnight, and who seemed more interested in shouting to their mates about how they were “really dead pumped up and ‘avin’ it!” and taking photos of each other with their phones. Now, either Topper, Lori and myself are getting really old, or people have forgotten, en masse, that the main reason for going to a gig is to see, listen to and experience a band. I kind of almost think Mew might even be better playing a seated gig in a theatre-style venue – or maybe even an arena and given a Pink Floyd style staging budget. Anyway. It’s a shame that a bunch of morons can spoil what was otherwise an outstanding gig.

Bradford on saturday was a good laugh, even if the venue we played was pretty crappy (a decent size but a stupid, stupid shape) and the stage was far too small. But we had a lot of fun, the few people who turned up seemed to like us and some money got raised for WorldVision in Uganda which, I guess, is the main thing. Also, I have a newfound respect for touring bands; the day was over twelve hours from beginning to end and we were all utterly knackered by the end of it – the idea of going on and doing the same thing the following day, and the day after that, and that day after that… is just frightening, really.

I’ve just taken delivery of Boku no Watashi no Katamari Damacy for the PSP and Psychonauts for the XBox, so I may be away for a while.

Perfect timing

February 11th, 2006

I come home from a gig by the beautiful, majestic, awesome Mew, and turn on the TV, and out blasts the awesome, beautiful, powerful “Great Gig In The Sky” by Pink Floyd. Wonderful.

Official UK Resistance Sega News Scout

February 10th, 2006

UK Resistance used one of the things I sent them for their main page. See if you can guess which thing it was. (Hint: it’s not the retro gaming thing). I now get to use this logo on my websiteblogthing:

Go me!

Streetlight Update

February 9th, 2006

Two lights came on, one light turned off. All at the exact moment I cycled underneath them.

I need this technology

February 9th, 2006

Multiple-point touchscreens. Watch the video. This technology needs to be mainstream, like, right now. If we’re not all interacting with computers like this and resizing our photos by pulling the corners apart and stuff within five years, there’s just no hope for technology.


February 8th, 2006

Despite us not getting a drummer until two hours before the service started (kudos to the utterly brilliant Christie for stepping in at the last minute and playing superbly despite only a few minutes of rehearsal) things went very well tonight – no breaking of strings or anything this time. Plus it’s always flattering when a musician as talented as Christie says he enjoyed playing with you.

Anyway, I’ve got tomorrow night off, thank goodness, and then Mew on Friday night, and then playing a gig for an event at Bradford Uni on Saturday evening. And, if I can’t find someone else to cover for me, I’m doing PA at church on sunday morning. It’s a busy week.

In other news, I can’t figure out if this is the worst photofit picture ever or an accurate picture of a typical Norfolkian.

Sven raises a good point.