Fish update

I thus conclude that the Chorlton fishmongers is as good as they look, as I have not spent the last 24 hours bent double over a toilet as a result of my raw tuna escapades last night. The two Red Mullet I had for lunch was also very tasty indeed.

I had more things I wanted to write, especially regarding Sven‘s recent post on finishing his studies and how studying theology turned him into a heretic, but I’m utterly lacking in motivation right now, and besides, Michael Palin is on the telly and he’s far more interesting.

3 Responses to “Fish update”

  1. Michael Palin says:

    I disagree. Sven is the most interesting person alive, and certainly the greatest living Englishman.

  2. SharkyUK says:

    Michael Palin I’m not, but it’s good to know you’re still with us after the fishy/culinary delights of the last few days.

  3. Matt says:

    Glad you’re still with us!

    I’ve eaten pretty much every kind of raw fish, and I’ve never had endure any time with me head down the lav for any fish other than shellfish. The time I had a ‘bad’ mussel was the worst.