Bits and pieces

  • Nayf is back and this time he’s got a domain. Seriously, you should go and read his blog. It’s very funny, and is mainly about how his wife thinks France is in the southern hemisphere or something.
  • orion has figured out where the socks go. I always knew there was something wrong about furbies.
  • 11 truths about men that you’re not supposed to tell your wife. Where they write “golf” it should probably say “World of Warcraft”.
  • Muse’s new album is very good and you should probably buy it. It’s like a cross between the Scissor Sisters and Depeche Mode and Queen and the older Muse stuff and everything. Also, “Supermassive Black Hole” is the best pop song this year by miles.
  • Ulrike has moved in next door, which is nice. We were in the same hall of residence in our first year at University. It’s funny how things come around like that. In related news, I finally got to meet the guy who lives downstairs tonight. He seems a bit quiet; that flat always attracts slightly unusual characters. Mind you, quiet is a distinct improvement on the screaming rows of the (newly married – I hope that’s not a sign of things to come) couple before him so I’m not about to complain there.

  • It occurs to me that working for The MET Office would be awesome. Maybe.

2 Responses to “Bits and pieces”

  1. Gordon says:

    Muse album is ace but falls short of that single which is just… awesomely wonderfully NOISY!!!

  2. Ali says:

    Weird. And she blogs about Liz Wall (she might remember me, but we were in MUBC)