Web 2.1

I notice that everyone’s favourite slow, clunky and nearly unusable photo sharing site has finally left beta. Now, obviously, this is a troubling development for the Web2.0 world, because – as we all know – everything in Web2.0 has to be in a permanent test phase, otherwise they might have to stop producing useless buggy pieces of AJAX uselessness and actually release something. So, their solution? They’re now in gamma! Yep, that’s right – throw away your software engineering textbook, Granddad, here at flickr, we’re rewritin’ the rules! Yeehaw!

I notice that the good people over at wankr have had an update, too.

One Response to “Web 2.1”

  1. SharkyUK says:

    Have your corners become more rounded? I could swear there’s two extra pixles worth of curvature…