Nintendo hate me and want me to suffer

I am crying into my Mario-shaped pillows right now.

And worse, I’m still going to buy one. Although I might have to order it online because I don’t know if I can face going into a shop and asking for a “Wii”.


This news has only been public for, like 4 hours or so, 3 of which I spent in the pub, and I’m already completely fscking sick of all the retarded “OMGLOLZ0R!!!111 IT IS LIKE WEE LIKE OUT OF UR N0B!!!!11111eleven” jokes. STOP IT. NOW. If this goes on for the next five years I’m actually going to kill someone. Seriously.

One Response to “Nintendo hate me and want me to suffer”

  1. Therese says:


    I will always have a special place in the corner of my heart for NoFriendO.