Things I Learnt On My Holiday

  • The M25 is quite long, and being diverted around 3/4 of it because someone has crashed between the two or three junctions you need to travel between can take some time.
  • Hotels that get shirty with you because you don’t have a PIN for your credit card – even though you have a perfectly servicable debit card – deserve to be burned to the ground. Especially if they do this to you after you’ve driven 3/4 of the way round the M25.
  • Large groups of rowdy Scottish chavs should be banned from aeroplanes.
  • Monarch – just don’t.
  • It is possible to be skiing so fast that your contact lens gets blown out of your eye.
  • Having only one contact lens in is deeply disorienting and can put a real crimp in your skiing.
  • The Canadian accent is awesome, but they don’t say “aboot” – it’s clearly “aboat”.
  • “Take your tongue out of my mouth, I’m only kissing you goodbye” is the greatest song title ever. “Tequila makes her clothes fall off” is a close second. But the greatest song ever is the simply-but-eloquently titled Tits.
  • There’s a real knack to rolling up the rim on the Tim Horton’s “Roll up the Rim” coffee cups. It is a knack that I clearly do not possess.
  • Calgary Airport is dull.
  • I’m really not kidding about the Monarch thing.

5 Responses to “Things I Learnt On My Holiday”

  1. CheesyRobMan says:

    I imagine that suddenly losing visual acuity in only one eye while travelling at high speed would have been rather disconcerting. Did you hit many trees/Canadians/houses/large cities?

  2. Nayf says:

    What’s the point of the Roll Up The Rim things?

  3. SharkyUK says:

    Did you go back and try to retrieve said contact lens? 🙂

    Hope you enjoyed your trip to Candia. Would like to go there myself one day.

  4. SharkyUK says:

    Please excuse my atrocious spelling and grammar in the previous message… and welcome back.

  5. Therese says:

    Chris. Ok. I absolutely adore this list.

    Thank you for doing your part in clearing up that awful aboot/aboat rumour.