
Now I know it’s a bad thing to rely on Google for everything, but it’s usually a pretty good indication of the way the world sees a particular thing – ie; it invariably returns something involving naked women, and most of the world does seem to involve around naked women.

Anyway, the BBC are doing a series of radio programmes on the subject of regional accents and dialects. It looks quite interesting, although I’ll concede I’ve not heard any of them yet. Anyway, on the TV advert, they present a load of regional variations on everyday words – like “Gaffer” for “Boss”, or “Cob” vs “Barmcake” vs “Bap”. One of the pairs the offered up is “Hedgehog” or “Fuzzpig”.

Google offers up a mere two pages of results for “Fuzzpig“, none of which seem to refer to dialectial variations in the UK, and no results at all for “fuzzpig hedgehog“. So, is this a real word? Has anyone heard it before? Or are the BBC lying to us? I think we need to know the truth.

2 Responses to “Fuzzpig”

  1. Lyle says:

    It’s a fuzzypig or fuzzypeg, to me knowledge. As in the books about ‘Mrs Fuzzypeg the Hedgehog’. See, there’s a logic to these things.

  2. Ali says:

    Surely only if you’re a very young child is it a ‘Fuzzpig’…..

    My faith in the BBC has been terminally shaken (and I was just recovering from Christopher Eccleston’s departuref from Doctor Who)