Blogmeet pics

I’ve stuck up a couple of pics I took at the blogmeet using the crappy camera on my phone.

Pic 1Lori and Sarah.
Pic 2Lori and Sarah again.
Pic 3 – Moose porn.
Pic 4Lyle – by popular demand 🙂

I’ve (probably) got some better ones on my other camera, but I’ve not had the film developed yet (it’s a B&W film, so developing is going to take a while anyway :-/)

Call it childish, but I couldn’t help sniggering at this film review.

3 Responses to “Blogmeet pics”

  1. Lyle says:

    Jesus, that’s unflattering. *Grin* Still, dodgy quality somehow suits me…

  2. Lori says:

    I love the way the lighting in Fab Cafe has come out on your camera/phone. And the film review made me snigger too 🙂

  3. sarah says:

    wow, that lighting.. it’s like how the world looks after some drugs I haven’t tried yet.

    (my photos are all, well, dull. And with a strange blue tint, I think I’d switched on the haolgen compensatory thingy)