The ‘fluence

I’m sure I had loads to write about, but then I read sven’s post about having nothing to blog about and my mind went blank. Well, that’s my story, and I’m sticking to it.

Actually, that reminds me of a story I forgot to recount from a couple of weeks ago. My beloved and I were standing in the queue waiting for a cashpoint, nothing unusual – we were just getting some cash so we could go for a chinese. The guy in front of us put his card in, and stood there looking blankly at the cashpoint for a good thirty seconds. Eventually, he pressed cancel, took his card out and said “Damn, how embarassing, I’ve forgotten my PIN.” We laughed a bit as he rang his girlfriend to find out what his PIN was, and Naomi stepped up to the cashpoint and put her card in. She paused, looked at me, looked back at the cashpoint, and looked at me again.

“Er, I’ve forgotten my PIN.”

Very strange, and we never did find if we’d been set up by Derren Brown or anything. It’d be a neat trick if you could pull it off.

I saw Batman Begins last night. Good fun, stylish and has plot holes you can drive a Batmobile through, but that doesn’t stand in the way of it being a properly good superhero movie.

In other news, I got accused of evangelism the other night. Hm.

One Response to “The ‘fluence”

  1. Sven says:

    ‘accused of evangelism’ lol