Starship Troopers: The Game: The Website

The game I was working on before I quit the games industry and got a proper job* has finally got a proper website, with a bunch of videos and new screenshots and things. You can find it at: It’s looking quite shiny – the night-time movie in particular looks very nice; the screenshots don’t really do it justice. A bit disappointing that they’ve used year-old movies and screenshots in places, but I know how long it takes to produce those damn things and it doesn’t half eat into your development schedule. I’m not sorry to have quit, but I’m pleased to see that the game is still looking good. So long as I still get my free copy, eh guys? 🙂

There’s also a fansite here, which looks quite a lot prettier than the official site, but don’t tell anyone I said that.

3 Responses to “Starship Troopers: The Game: The Website”

  1. richard says:

    how is the torrance book going

  2. Adrian says:

    You have a * next to proper job but no link to the *

  3. Chris says:

    Richard: Hard work… I’ve put to one side whilst I read NT Wright’s What St Paul Really Said, which I’m lovin’ up bigstyle.

    Adrian: You should maybe go back and read my entry on the Freestar.