
Topper‘s server, where (which includes my gallery, amongst other things) is hosted has kind of gone pop, taking a number of websites (including Lori’s blog and Lomomanchester, as well as a few of my other sites) down with it. Unfortunately, it’s in London and he’s not, so it’s rather tricky to get at and it’s not likely to be working again any time soon (unless its hard disc magically repairs itself without human intervention, that is).

I *heart* computers. No, really.

5 Responses to “Breakage”

  1. SharkyUK says:


  2. Topper says:

    Seems to be back up, none the worse for wear following a reboot.

    I’ve got a new pair of discs to put in it too, now containing a complete backup of everything. Woo.

  3. Chris says:

    Hurrah for Topper!

  4. Lori says:

    If I had a quid for every time someone emailed me or left a guestbook messsage on my lomohome to tell me the LomoManchester site was down, I’d be rich by now. Not that it’s down a lot, but people don’t seem to realise that I check it (and my site) every day and so usually know before they do. I bet the sods won’t do it when I’m on holiday though, will they?

    Sorry… rant over 🙁

  5. BW says:

    At least they’re trying to be helpful. I used to run an email server, and would get people emailling me to tell me it was down…