The Megastonking Awesome JoJo Forum

I’ve had a large number of links this month from ”
The Megastonking Awesome JoJo Forum”. Who are you and why are you all coming here?

13 Responses to “The Megastonking Awesome JoJo Forum”

  1. Your friend, Geoff says:

    We came to laugh at your stupid film entry, dullard.

  2. Chris says:

    Well, it’s nice to know my blog attracts such a wide variety of erudite and sophisticated people.

  3. Robert says:

    Isn’t this what you should be asking all your visitors?

  4. Jumble says:

    We came to laugh because you’d written such an unbelievably pretentious entry about your film. With added italic bits that made you look EXTRA COOL.

  5. Geoff again says:

    You check this for comments every minute?!

  6. Chris says:

    Yes, okay, we get the picture now. I’m hilarious and you’re all much better human beings than me. Thank you all for pointing it out, I shall take your comments to heart and endeavour to become a more well rounded and interesting person a result of your commentary. And no, I don’t check it every minute, the software emails me every time someone posts a comment. You’ll probably find that hilarious, too.

  7. HEAD SHOT says:

    Don’t listen to these bitter people Chris. I haven’t seen your film, but I’m sure it’s not all bad. These guys are just a bunch of motherfuckers.

  8. Necessary Evil says:

    Sarcasm is the lowest for of YOUR MUM, Chris.

  9. Necessary Evil says:

    OK, ‘form’.

  10. Chris says:

    Well, y’see, the thing is, you guys seem to be labouring under the misapprehension that I actually care. Yes, I’m self-obsessed and pretentious. I have a blog, which is usually a good indicator of pretentiousness to begin with. But part of having a hugely over-inflated ego and sense of self-importance is the fact that I don’t actually give a toss what you think. I know I’m great, and that’s all that counts.

  11. JoJo Herself says:

    You should also be aware that it doesn’t really matter if you care what we think or not. We’re only taking the piss.

  12. Gary Cutlack says:


  13. Chris says:

    Okay, I’m bored now. Closing the comments.