Very, very special people

Have your say on the MMR vaccine

Proof, if proof be needed, that people who don’t know a goddamn thing about what they’re talking about shouldn’t be allowed to have an opinion on it.

I am a parent of two autistic children, one of them was diagnosed 4 years before having the MMR, the other has not had the MMR. I still have no doubt that my children were damaged by multiple vaccination.

Er…. what?

Just because no evidence supports a link between the MMR vaccine and autism does not mean a link does not exist.

I bet you think there are WMDs in Iraq, too, don’t you? Hey, just because we haven’t found them yet, doesn’t mean they’re not there.

Fortunately, it’s not all idiocy, though:

It amazes me how people who would never think of arguing with, say Stephen Hawking, about astrophysics, suddenly decide that they are better informed than the experts in the medical field after reading a few tabloid scare stories.”


One Response to “Very, very special people”

  1. When we all die from not having herd protection against various diseases we can turn around and say I told you so.

    Even if their is a link, the numbers are so low, and the dangers are much higher by not having it.