In the supermarket, I saw one of my old lecturers from University. I hid, so he didn’t notice me.
Driving home, I glanced to the left just in time to see a middle-aged man in an expensive looking suit walk face-first into a lamp post and fall over backwards.
I went round the corner, and came face-to-face with a girl driving exactly the same car as myself – same make, model, colour, everything. We looked up, and our gazes met – for a split second, there was a tiny connection between the two of us. We acknowledged each other with a knowing smile – and then, just as suddenly, the connection was broken, and we drove on.
How wierd.
<em>came face-to-face with a girl driving exactly the same car as myself</em>
I once parked next to a car exactly the same as mine, the only difference was their number plate was L647 HDB and mine’s L646. It was spooky. Still it made be glad that at least one other people was driving around in a similar hunk of shit 🙂