
Hurrah! On Tuesday, I posted about the fact that Nayfnu had invented a new word, and on that day began an experiment. Today, I am pleased to announce the experiment is over and is a pleasing success (for me, anyway). Not four days ago, the word Looncake returned one result on Google (it seems that Nayf didn’t actually invent it, after all). And now, a mere four days later, it returns two And neither of them are Nayfnu’s site (which also featured the word on the same day). I therefore conclude that Google loves me more than Nayfnu. Yay me!

4 Responses to “Looncake!”

  1. nayf says:

    I did invent it. Just after that other guy used it.

  2. Lori says:

    Hee hee 🙂

  3. nayf says:

    Incidentally, if you try it now, you’ll find quite different results.


  4. Chris says:

    Bah. Google smells of poo.