
It’s far too hot to do anything today. It’s one of those bleh days where your brain just shuts down and everything’s all horribly and fuzzy and muggy. It doesn’t help that my room is at the very top of a large house, and therefore all the heat in the building accumulates here. I’ve got all the windows open and the fan on full, but I’m still dripping sweat onto my keyboard. Yeuch.

Nothing much happened today. Discovered I allegedly look like a cross between Dolph Lundgren, Sean Connery and Leonardo Di Cappucino, which could hardly be further from the truth, and that other, rather more high profile bloggers have been stealin’ my ideas. But then, I’ve stolen from him before, so I guess it’s some sort of karmic balancing thing.

Oh, and we had a new guy start at work today:

“Chris, this is Simon, our new AI programmer.”
“Hi Simon. I’ve seen you wearing tights.”

I’ve been waiting weeks for that moment.

2 Responses to “Bleh”

  1. SharkyUK says:

    And yes – he has been waiting weeks to say that…

  2. Merlin says:

    You’re only jealous that you didn’t get to join in. It’s repressed sexual activity!