Totally Unconfirmed Rumour Time

Someone on a talker I use who knows someone who has a friend in the BBC says Michael Jackson is dead.

7 Responses to “Totally Unconfirmed Rumour Time”

  1. Chris says:

    Mike: Tsk, that’s naughty 🙂

    (incidentally, the rumour has been officially denied on BBC news now, so it must be true)

  2. sarah says:

    oo, I was just watching a MJ special on one of the music channels

  3. SharkyUK says:

    I’ll be watching this development with interest. There’s always a lot of grey areas with MJ – it’s never just black or white. Quite literally. Read into it what you will… 😉

  4. Lori says:

    I heard this but didn’t think to mention it as it was from someone at work who then went on to say that the department phoned editorial as soon as they heard and discovered it was a hoax.

  5. Chris says:

    It not being true shouldn’t stand in the way of a good rumour 🙂