The network which hosts this fair website went arse-over-tit not five minutes after I left the house, necessitating a lengthy phonecall in which numerous Top Secret Passwords were revealed whilst I talked my long-suffering flatmate through the correct procedure to bring things back to life. It seems to have survived since then, though, because I haven’t had any panicky text messages from the missus about her email, and also, because I can write this post.
Anyway, I’ll no doubt ramble on tediously about how great my holiday was when I get back, so I’ll keep it short for now and simply summarise:
- Skiing good
- Canadian beer adequate but far better than American
- Snowboarders still spawn of satan
- Internet access not exactly available on every street corner
- Mobile phone works, though
- Long journeys still no fun
- Country music apparently actually enjoyable under certain select circumstances
- Custard‘s fiancees sister still unlocated
I think that about covers everything. I’ll see you all again on Monday, trains, planes and automobiles permitting.
you + country music???
She’s been working. Breakfast and dinner shifts. So you’ll probably have been skiing when she’s actually around.
That’s just what I was thinking, Naomi!