
Number of times I have waited for a number 16 bus this week: 2

Number of times a number 16 bus actually turned up within half an hour of the stated arrival time: 0

Number of times I have been late for work as a result of the non-arrival of the number 16 bus: 2

I’m beginning to believe that the number 16 bus service does not actually exist, and it is in fact just a ploy by Manchester City Council to make people stand outside in the cold early morning air and feel foolish.

In other news, my car is in for its MOT retest today. Fingers crossed.


It’s passed! Woo! Yay! Houpla! And all that.

6 Responses to “13,14,15,17,18”

  1. cez says:

    Once upon a time, I saw once run on time, or so I remember…

  2. Phil says:

    Totally unrelated to this, but are you on ChaosEngine?

  3. Chris says:

    ChaosEngine? Whuh? Apart from being an old Bitmap Bros game, that means nothing to me…

  4. Phil says:

    It’s a forum for game developers. Access limited to industry workers.

  5. nayf says:

    Chaos Engine! You’ve just reminded me of that. It /ruled/.

  6. Lori says:

    Buses suck. And they smell bad.