Lies, Damn Lies

I meant to post this about a week ago. I’ve had detailed stats running
on for about a month now, and I can now exclusively reveal
some amazing* results.

First of all, congratulations
to Lyle
who narrowly beat
Nayf to become
my top referer for January.

Secondly, congratulations to, um, the Livejournal RSS trawler, which was
the most frequent visitor to my site. The most popular page on the site is
still the main index, although the
RSS feed is only lagging behind by a
hundred or so page views.

The most popular theme by far is the default
journal theme, with the
red coming in with about
half as many hits, and the blue
a few less than that. Maybe I’ll set the default theme to be random and see what
impact that has on the results.

The search terms used to reach here are quite interesting, too – with the
most common being illiterate fools searching for “parm reading”, along with
simply “parm”. “Asshat” comes third, along with “smashing pumpkins”, and
Nayf will be
pleased (or terrified) to discover that “nayf blogs” is the fifth most popular
search term to hit

Amongst the more amusing search terms are things like “problem putting
petrol in car”, “corporate grovelling pictures”, “coffee excrement csi miami”
and “parm dirty old man”. I can’t help feeling the person searching for
“lovely samantha photo isihac” might be a bit disappointed, though.

There’s also quite a few people searching for things along the lines of
“crazy taxi 3 geforce 4mx fix” – just so you know, there isn’t one. It says it
doesn’t work with a GeForce 4MX on the back of the box. Sorry about that;
blame nVidia for that one.

MS IE turns out to be the most popular web browser, with approximately 55%
of the share. However, this figure is probably skewed by the fact that 19%
of my hits come from the LiveJournal RSS trawler. Firebird is easily the next
most popular with 13% of my hits, followed by Opera at 6%. Mozilla, Galeon,
Netscape, Safari and Konqueror barely register at all.

As you might expect, then, Windows accounts for the lions share of hits,
with Windows XP being the most popular version.
NetBSD surprisingly comes second (maybe LiveJournal runs on NetBSD?)
and Linux third. MacOS trails behind that, and there’s even someone out there
reading this who uses Solaris. You’re a braver man than I.

I’m averaging about 230 hits a day, which translates into 185 actual pages
and individual visits per day. Which isn’t too bad, really. A lot more than
I was expecting, certainly.

I’ve been keeping track of outgoing referrals to other blogs, too, and
it seems I do seem to generate quite a few clickthroughs to other sites –
about 600 this month by people other than me (compared to about 1000 by
me). So it looks like I’m both a frightening stalker type and a
secret internet celebrity. Go me.

9 Responses to “Lies, Damn Lies”

  1. Lyle says:

    Blimey, you have been busy.

    I’m surprised that blue’s the least used template – it’s the one I’ve got set, anyway. Keep up the good work!

  2. Chris says:

    Not that busy. AWStats generates all that information for you and draws pretty graphs and everything (except the outgoing referers, which I had to do myself)

  3. cez says:

    The main index page is probably the most popular as it’s about the *only* index on the site…

  4. cez says:

    The NetBSD result is probably my aggregator, actually. If they all come from the one host, that’ll be it.

  5. Topper says:

    I thought we were blaming Sega for the 4mx problem?

  6. Chris says:

    Well, it’s Sega and nVidia. The GeForce 4MX cards don’t do pixel/vertex shaders, and Sega weren’t happy about releasing the game without vertex and pixel shader effects.

  7. nayf says:

    I like the red theme lots, and I’m pleased to direct business to you – although I don’t get nearly as much 🙂

  8. Lori says:

    Wow! That’s loads of visitors (well, compared to me anyway). What’s your secret? Writing interesting stuff you say? Damn.

  9. Lori says:

    Oh yeah… the word ‘asshat’ made me laugh out loud 🙂