Ship of Fools

With all these stories flying round about organists playing the Liberty Bell March during church services, I decided to wander over and check out what the Ship of Fools (the magazine of Christian unrest) lot are up to these days; evidently, they’re going from strength to strength with their usual mixture of irreverent humour and thought provoking articles. A lot of stuff won’t make sense to non-God-bothering types, but I don’t know a single person who hasn’t laughed at the Gadgets for God section. The article about Christian holiday camps rang particularly true, and there’s a great (and more serious) article about those loony Left Behind books.

(small print: Ship of Fools is a Christian website and therefore uses words like “God”, “Jesus” and “Church” quite a lot, and contains descriptions and pictures of gratuitous and open worship and praise; if you’re easily embarassed and wouldn’t want your co-workers to see you looking at that sort of thing, I’d wait until you get home from work before looking at the website)

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