
I’ve done lots more fun things with photoshop. I’m running low on ideas for frightening/cute animal hybrids, though, so feel free to leave some suggestions in the comments.

I’m headed down to ECTS on Friday. If you’re going to be there, I’ll be wearing a badge which says “Chris Whitworth, Programmer, Strangelite” on it. You can say hello to me if you like, and it’ll probably scare the hell out of me.

I notice Lori has redesigned her website. Nice. I thoroughly recommend taking a tour round her gallery too – there’s some really nice pictures in there.

I’m in work, on bank holiday monday, trying to reverse engineer a binary file format without an documentation. How unfair is that?

3 Responses to “Bits”

  1. Lori says:

    Thanks for the nice comments about my photos. Just had to delete a few stalker-esque comments from my album of cam pics and was feeling a bit disheartened that more people seem to look at those pics than the rest. May have to delete that album!

    I really love your photoshopping, btw! Are you addicted to b3ta now? 😉

  2. Lori says:

    Also… The Guardian Entertainment Guide describes ECTS as ‘the usual industry-only backslapping’ 😉

  3. Chris says:

    Industry only? Hah, yeah, right. Tell that to the hundreds of people who get in every year with fake business cards and suchlike.