Up until this year, I’ve had very, very few health problems. Since March, I’ve had:
- A chronic ear infection, causing dizziness and tinnitus. Untreatable, apparently, and could last for years.
- A very nasty bout of flu, which incapacitated me for a week, during a holiday in Scotland.
- A painful lump in an unfortunate and intimate place (fortunately benign, but still painful)
- Some sort of chest/heart/lung problem which is causing palpitations, shortness of breath, a tightness in my chest and the occasional stabbing pain.
- A cold, several times
And now, I’ve got a weird thing going on with my left foot; it feels all tingly and weird, and has done since about 1am this morning.
What the hell is wrong with me?
When did you start going out with Nomi? 🙂
Tsk :-p
The previous October actually.
Are you taking your vitamins?
wait, you’re a good cook, aren’t you? Getting enouhg excercise? I Hope that the tingly foot is the last to strike you for a long time