Two years on

Well, I’ve been at Transitive for two years today. And now, we’ve finally shipped the first public release of the software I’ve been working on (in one guise or another) for those two years: QuickTransit for Solaris/SPARC to Linux/x86-64. Woo.

Okay, so it doesn’t quite have the same earthy thrill as being able to walk into HMV and Game and see my work on the shelf (or, at least, rearrange the product display so our game isn’t hidden somewhere down the bottom shelf between Pippa Funnel’s Horse Dentistry Adventure and M25 Traffic Jam Simulator 2002), but it’s still quite exciting: if this thing takes off like we hope, my code will be running on big-ass enterprise servers all round the world, which is kind of scary.

Anyway, if you’re at all interested, and you’ve got an x86-64 Linux box lying around (sorry, 32-bit CPUs aren’t supported; you really should upgrade to 64-bit, it’s much nicer :), you can download a free trial and see just how bloody impressive this thing really is – at least, I think it is, anyway.

In other news, this is far from the worst idea I’ve ever heard.

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